Since this article was published in 2019, Microsoft have released an Exchange update that allows the last Exchange server to be decommissioned but there are some stringent instructions on how to achieve this and it is imperative that the final Exchange server is not ‘uninstalled’ from the organisation.
So, you completed a full mailbox migration from the deteriorating on-premise Exchange system to Exchange online. Great! But what does that really mean for the future of your Exchange server? Isn’t the purpose of cloud migration to ultimately reduce your on-premise workload footprint? The answer may not be that straightforward.
Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Deployment
Let’s take a closer look at a common mail scenario. Mail is being routed via a third-party email filtering product, it then gets delivered to the on-premise exchange server. User accounts from the on-premise Active Directory are being synchronised to Azure AD via Azure AD Connect:
Object Synchronisation
When Exchange objects are synchronised to Azure AD, an additional synchronisation will occur between Azure AD and the Exchange online directory.
In the below image, John Doe has a mailbox on-premise. When the account is synchronised to Office 365, Exchange Online has visibility of the associated on-premise attributes. In Exchange Online, John Doe will appear as a Mail User and it will be aware that the user has a mailbox in an on-premise Exchange server e.g. EXC-MBX01.
Exchange Server considerations after migration
Once you complete the migration journey from on-premise to online Exchange, nothing is stopping you from uninstalling and decommissioning the on-premise Exchange servers. It should be noted however that this can have adverse effects:
When a mailbox is migrated from on-premise to Exchange online, this does not change the fact that the authoritative system for changes are the on-premise Active Directory.
If an administrator attempts to add an email address (modifying an object attribute) to a user in Exchange Online, the following error will prohibit the change:
Once the mailbox is migrated to Exchange online, the on-premise account is now converted to a mail user and the online counterpart will become a mailbox. To avoid the above error, one must make any changes in the on-premise Active Directory.
Attribute Considerations
Below are some important attributes that are commonly edited for Exchange users:
Without an Exchange server it now becomes cumbersome to update the above values.
The below options are available when it comes to Exchange server management moving forward post migration:
4. Decommission the last exchange server as per instructions Manage recipients in Exchange Server 2019 Hybrid environments | Microsoft Learn this is a supported method by Microsoft and allows object management via PowerShell
Wrap up
Exchange Hybrid deployments are one of the most popular methods for migrating mailboxes to Office 365. It allows organisations to migrate mailboxes at their own pace, while maintaining co-dependency between on-premise and Office 365.
Azure AD connect is the core tool which forces the presence of an on-premise Exchange server. If the Exchange server is removed, then it can negatively impact the environment and introduce an administration overhead. IT should make life easier, not more complicated! For this reason, it’s recommended to consider retaining an on-premise Exchange server for attribute management purposes.
Depending on your organisations use of Active Directory it may be possible to plan to remove reliance on ‘on-premise’ Active Directory and rely solely on cloud based directory services.