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We have lift off… The opportunities and risks of generative AI

Melanie Hayes, Chief People Officer at Nash Squared, and Bill Boorman, Technology and Talent Advisor, discuss how generative AI theory is now being put into practice. This article first appeared on

It feels like we’ve been talking about the potential of AI and machine learning for years. So much so, that some people may have become sceptical about the extent to which it will all actually happen. But now, the remarkable rise of generative AI shows that it’s here and it’s real.

ChatGPT and other generative AI applications are lifting off like rockets. They’re becoming embedded into ever more products and contexts. Millions of people – inside and outside the work environment – are trying them out.

For those with long memories, it’s reminiscent of when the internet and email finally became available and changed everything. There was a huge leap, followed by a number of years of working out what it all actually meant for how we work and carry out the tasks that make up our jobs.

Read the full blog here

Crimson is part of Nash Squared, the leading global provider of talent and technology solutions.