Problems Business Process Automation Can Solve Digital Transformation, business process automation Mark Britton
How to successfully implement a business transformation Digital Transformation, business transformation Mark Britton
Fusion teams accelerate digital transformation Digital Transformation, CIO, Leadership, C-suite, IT strategy, IT and business goals, chief information officer strategy, Company Culture, Fusion teams Holly Burnett
Digital begins in the boardroom Digital Transformation, digital disruption, Leadership, innovation, IT and business goals, boardroom, business strategy, digital first, digital strategy Holly Burnett
IT recruitment tips: Opinion poll reveals how to attract IT leaders Digital Transformation, IT Architecture, shadow IT, IT strategy, IT and business goals Holly Burnett
In conversation with Martyn Wallace Digital Transformation, local authorities, Driving Digital, local government Mark Britton
Global CIO survey highlights what tech leaders can learn from COVID-19 Digital Transformation, CIO, IT Jobs, Leadership, Cyber Security, information security, CTO, IT Architecture, IT and business goals, Remote Working, Coronavirus, Senior Appointments Holly Burnett
How do IT leaders manage their professional development? Digital Transformation, CIO, IT Jobs, Offshore IT, CTO, IT strategy, IT and business goals, professional development Holly Burnett
How can Local Governments shield their most vulnerable residents? Digital Transformation, Customer Engagement, Covid-19, local authorities, Microsoft Virtual Agent, Crimson Shield, Microsoft Customer Service, housing Mark Britton
The next steps to improve higher education technology Digital Transformation, information security, higher-education Mark Britton
Blurring the digital boundaries: What collaboration looks like for today’s university students Digital Transformation, Microsoft Dynamics 365, student journey Mark Britton
Why you should attend: The Architect Exchange Digital Transformation, IT Architecture, shadow IT, IT strategy, IT and business goals Holly Burnett