Digital leaders predict what 2022 has in store for technology teams Leadership, Staff retention, IT strategy, IT and business goals, retention, Remote Working, Coronavirus, Tech Leaders, IT leaders, Wellbeing, Mentalhealth, HR, talent attraction, Technology Trends, Digital Leadership survey Holly Burnett
IT recruitment tips: Opinion poll reveals how to attract IT leaders Digital Transformation, IT Architecture, shadow IT, IT strategy, IT and business goals Holly Burnett
Global CIO survey highlights what tech leaders can learn from COVID-19 Digital Transformation, CIO, IT Jobs, Leadership, Cyber Security, information security, CTO, IT Architecture, IT and business goals, Remote Working, Coronavirus, Senior Appointments Holly Burnett
How do IT leaders manage their professional development? Digital Transformation, CIO, IT Jobs, Offshore IT, CTO, IT strategy, IT and business goals, professional development Holly Burnett
Why you should attend: The Architect Exchange Digital Transformation, IT Architecture, shadow IT, IT strategy, IT and business goals Holly Burnett
The Impact of Next-Generation Technology on Housebuilders Technology Strategy, house-builders, serving customers, serve customers better, IT strategy, IT and business goals Mark Britton
The CIO’s Guide to Creating an Effective IT Strategy Technology Strategy, IT strategy, IT and business goals, information technology strategy, chief information officer strategy Mark Britton