The next steps to improve higher education technology Digital Transformation, information security, higher-education Mark Britton
Crimson Webinar – Applying retention to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Office 365 information security, GDPR, office 365, retention, compliance, sharepoint, Microsoft Teams Mark Britton
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Unified Interface VS Web Client Interface: What is changing? Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, UCI, Web Client Interface, Unified Interface Mark Britton
Blurring the digital boundaries: What collaboration looks like for today’s university students Digital Transformation, Microsoft Dynamics 365, student journey Mark Britton
What your CRM data analytics can tell you about your students… higher-education, student information systems, information technology strategy, student journey Mark Britton
4 B2B Lead Generation Strategies Every Marketer Needs to Know lead marketing, inbound marketing, lead generation, B2B marketing Mark Britton
How to prevent your university course from crash and burn data insights, higher-education, student information systems, IT strategy, information technology strategy, student journey Mark Britton
Close Deals Faster and Smarter with These 3 Easy to Implement Sales Tips sales tips, tips to grow sales, sales automation, tools to close sales faster Mark Britton
The Impact of Next-Generation Technology on Housebuilders Technology Strategy, house-builders, serving customers, serve customers better, IT strategy, IT and business goals Mark Britton