Close Deals Faster and Smarter with These 3 Easy to Implement Sales Tips sales tips, tips to grow sales, sales automation, tools to close sales faster Mark Britton
The Impact of Next-Generation Technology on Housebuilders Technology Strategy, house-builders, serving customers, serve customers better, IT strategy, IT and business goals Mark Britton
Is your university software ready for Generation C? CRM, Microsoft Dynamics 365, higher-education, student information systems Mark Britton
How to Easily Increase Customer Loyalty without Tanking Your Budget serving customers, Customer loyalty, serve customers better Mark Britton
The Era of the Customer Experience Director serving customers, serve customers better, IT strategy Mark Britton
The CIO’s Guide to Creating an Effective IT Strategy Technology Strategy, IT strategy, IT and business goals, information technology strategy, chief information officer strategy Mark Britton
Buying time for IT: Time is of the essence for most IT departments – here’s how to get some of it back. Microsoft PowerApps Mark Britton
Encouraging IT Collaboration and Teamwork Beyond Boundaries Logic Apps, Microsoft Dynamics 365, collaboration and teamwork, Microsoft Power BI Mark Britton
Creative Ways to Close More Deals with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Logic Apps, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power BI Mark Britton